Jazz Teen Time: FREE Jazz Instruction!
JazzAmerica Needs You!
If you can play an instrument, read music, and can commit to Saturday-morning rehearsals, we invite you to join the next JazzAmerica Traditional Band. You’d be in middle school or high school, be able to read music, and be willing to submit a brief e-audition.
The instrumentation of a ‘Trad’ (or traditional’), New Orleans-style combo includes:
Trumpet or Cornet, Clarinet, Trombone, Piano and/or Guitar. Upright Bass, Drums, Upright Bass
(Other instruments are sometimes included, such as Tenor Sax, Violin, Banjo – and the human voice (a Singer).
Here’s a nifty introduction to the foundations of New Orleans jazz. It all starts with learning a Melody and the Chords of a song. Each instrument has a role to play, and each player is encouraged to improvise. Check out this quartet from the Lincoln Center Jazz organization as they take a simple melody and build upon it with ‘collective improvisation.’
Collective Improvisation in New Orleans Jazz – YouTube
For further details on our program – including dates, rehearsal schedule and location – please write: info@jazzamerica.org